Monday, October 31, 2011

Just As We Think We've Got It Figured Out...

We are at a slip at the Carolina Beach State Park marina as this is written. We arrived here yesterday and will stay till tomorrow. Fall seems to be a time when Mother Nature isn't sure what sort of weather to provide. Some days it still feels like late summer as it did when we arrived at Wrightsville Beach just a few days ago. Sandra even went in for a swim. We walked to the beach and enjoyed the warm sun. Yesterday morning when we left the temperature was 40. This morning, it's cloudy with a temperature of 48. We're supposed to see cool temps again tonight, but Mother Nature will revert back to more summer-like temperatures by midweek. During our travel here, we enjoyed seeing dolphins playing with fish by tossing them into the air with their tails before presumably eating them. We also experienced a couple of the challenges on that day, as well. As we approached the bridge at Wrightsville Beach at low tide, we had to contend with a strong tidal current pushing us to the bridge while several boats did their best not to run aground waiting for the opening. When the bridge finally opened we followed a big power boat under. Oblivious to the boats around it, this boat just got passed the bridge and then stopped dead in the water. We were under the bridge with little maneuvering room, and there was another boat just behind us. Finally we heard on the radio that this power boat was moving into a slip and we had to find a way to get around it. We did manage to avoid it and moved along toward our turn off the ICW to our anchorage. One must always be prepared for the unexpected. We had come to a point when we thought we had most of this travel figured out and could avoid any real problems. We'd been helping guide a first time traveler from Canada down through some shallow spots today, and we were feeling like the experienced travelers. However, as we approached the turn in rather shallow water, we noticed a tug and barge had run aground right where we were to turn. The tug was spinning around a bit trying to get the barge free. Finally it was successful, but not before it had stirred up the bottom a bit. As we passed it and prepared to turn, we ran aground on a hump we think may have been created by the barge. We immediately radioed the boat behind us to go by since we weren't going anywhere. They did so and told us there was plenty of water just off to the right. The current spun us around and pushed us off the hump. That was a good thing. I noted that we'd run aground precisely in the middle of the channel. From there to our anchorage went smoothly. However, when we left for this present spot, we had some engine issues that may slow us down a bunch. Fortunately the trip here was a short one lasting less than three hours, and we made it OK. I did my best to analyze the issue and take corrective action. Only more travel will tell us whether I was successful. On a positive note, a friend from Sandra's past now living in eastern North Carolina, whom she'd not seen in 15 years, stopped by for a visit. She had been reading the blog and knew we'd be in Wrightsville Beach about now. She contacted us to arrange this meeting. What a great time we all had, so thanks Priscilla for making the effort. Our current stop was recommended by Dick and Libby, cruisers we'd met last winter in Marathon. They told us how nice a spot it was and that we could collect pine needles here that were the longest we'd ever seen. They were right on all counts. It's a lovely spot, and the needles are about 15 inches long. We see more baskets in our future for sure. Captain Bob Carpe Diem


  1. Did the same pause and spin, at maybe the same spot, going into Wrightsville Beach last year. It's not quite going aground.

  2. WE are in Ocean Isle NC. Wave if you go by, If you stop come by for a hug!

    Jessica SV San San

  3. Wish we had know you were in CB - we are here til Thursday - hope to see you along the way!
